Chief Executive Magazine on Looking at Risk Differently
One of the things I uncovered in the Resilient5 program for managing communication risk is that we can’t rely on the past to predict the risks we face—2020 taught us that. In fact, it is pointless to try.
Instead, we need to build a resilient organization around 5 key principles that prepare us for whatever might happen. The good news is that this is also a sustainable way to grow a business. The idea is getting some attention.
Here are some key quotes:
“Most CEOs and executives tend to compartmentalize risk. Last year it was all about pandemics, and now that Covid (we hope) is under control at least in the United States, we’re back to worrying about climate change. But reality doesn’t compartmentalize. We need to worry about both individual risks and the dangers that feed on each other—the equivalent of “rogue waves” that suddenly emerge from the chance combination of separate ocean swells, and sink unsuspecting ships.”
“By recasting risk as opportunity, companies and CEOs will also have an added reason to take risk seriously. It’s not just the unpleasant work of protecting against catastrophe; it can also be the springboard to a new level of prosperity. CEOs prepared for resilient growth can take bigger bets and succeed more often.”