Seeking Creative Muscle: The Hiring Post

If you follow what communicators do on LinkedIn, you see a lot of posts that I would term “check the box” posts. Hey, we’re hiring. Put a post up. Hey, Jim just retired. Put a post up. The reason I call them “check the box” posts is because that phrase captures how much thought and effort went into them.

What I’m going to tell you is that each one of those posts—with just a little more work and a little creativity—could be part of a consistent (or constant) process to incrementally build and reinforce your brand. It is exactly what is envisioned in my Resilient5 program.

Let’s take an example to start with…the “we’re hiring” post. You see these all the time. Most of them look like this…literally using a canva template here.

Ok, so there’s nothing wrong with that. It just doesn’t do all it could. Research (much of which has been on this blog over time) shows that employees want to have a purpose and to grow their skills. So, you could take that post and make this adjustment. (It’s a concept, ignore any design gaffes please).

We’ve personalized it and we’ve juiced it with our company purpose…our WHY. Here’s another take with a peer-to-peer approach that provides validation, makes the position more accessible, and still communicates the purpose.

Look, nothing earth-shaking, just a little creative muscle put into everyday communications.

Maybe the most important thing is that not only are we giving potential employees the “why” behind their work life, but we’re also reinforcing that idea with our existing employees. Finally, we are showing potential customers that we are a progressive employer recruiting people with a passion to do what customers need them to do.

Research also shows that our customers want to see this from us.

To me, this is the beauty of today’s communications approach. Recruiting and engaging teams is a business imperative, and you can build your brand at the same time.


Communicators and Conscious Capitalism


Tell Your Own Story (Updated)