A Blog for Modern Communications
Southwest Airlines in Crisis
In a year of manufactured “crisis,” Southwest shows how to start the response to a real one.
We Were Promised Flying Cars…the Perils of Prediction (Update)
New research confirms the futility of predicting the future and points the way to a more agile approach
What Dilip Mahalanabis Can Teach Us About The Importance of Communicators
Are explainers really as vital as inventors?
Experiential Marketing: A Case Study—-UPDATED
New Data from the Content Marketing Institute demonstrates the resurgence of in-person events
Ideas for University Education and PR
University students entering the communications field need a diverse and strategically based education.
Recognizing and Bridging the Perception Gap
New research reminds us that we cannot assume we understand the perceptions of our stakeholders.
PR’s Climate Change: The Future of Media Relations (Updated)
An upcoming book reflects on post-media relations PR…as did this blog when it asked “Has the decline of media usage and trust in the media made media relations obsolete?”
Don’t Know Much About Carbon Neutral…
How can you demonstrate your carbon neutrality when people don’t know what carbon neutral means?
Experiential Marketing: A Case Study
In a changing media landscape, events and experiences will become an increasingly important part of the marketing toolbox.
Communication Lessons From The Bear
What communication lessons can be learned from Hulu’s The Bear?
Communicators and Conscious Capitalism
How communicators can play a vital role in Conscious Capitalism.
Seeking Creative Muscle: The Hiring Post
Just a little creative muscle can turn the boring hiring post into a prospect-engaging, brand building piece of content.
Tell Your Own Story (Updated)
Five tips on turning content marketing tactics into a content communication program, updated with new data 7/22
The Resilient Content All-Star Team
How everyday content can be enhanced to help build a resilient organization.
Fortune Favors the Adapters
The AlixPartners Disruption Index projects a turbulent future and an opportunity for communicators to shine